Lenny Pozner
It can take years to build respect, credibility and a good reputation, but only a few minutes for someone with ill-intent to come along on the Internet and try to impeach it with lies and defamation. Perhaps no one knows this better than Lenny Pozner, whose life was turned upside down when his son Noah became the youngest child slaughtered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) on December 14, 2012.
Since that day, Lenny has been one of the few parents to speak openly about the tragedy and has even offered to dispel myths created and propagated by a small but obsessive cadre of conspiracy theorists known as Hoaxers. As the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. Because of his forthrightness, Lenny has become the primary focus of attacks emanating from this cult-like group, whose loosely affiliated members have issued multiple death threats and leveled a host of false accusations against him, including the absurd claim that he faked his own son’s death, among other despicable and unfounded charges.
He founded HONR Network. HONR Network brings awareness to the cruelty and criminality of Hoaxer activity and, if necessary, criminally and civilly prosecute those who wittingly and publicly defame, harass, and emotionally abuse the victims of high profile tragedies and/or their family members. And intend to hold such abusers personally accountable for their actions, in whatever capacity the law allows.