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Stop Gun Violence: Strengthen Families

In December of 2012 a gunman Adam Lanza broke into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and viciously murdered 20 children and 6 administrators. Adding Sandy Hook Elementary School to a growing list of other tragic school shootings confirms that any educational institution should be considered a viable target for future attacks.

Americans hear tragic stories every day involving guns! However, we must discuss community change if we are going to stop gun violence! With limited success, government, police, schools and nonprofit groups try to reduce violence with educational programs on child abuse, bullying, drug abuse, domestic violence and gangs as politicians write new gun control laws. These approaches help, but to break the cycle of violence we must focus on the root cause for gun violence, the breakdown of the family.

Americans gave away their power to keep cities safe when family and neighborhood support decreased. Neighbors who used to take care of each other turned the responsibility over to police as city leaders hired more police and turned to technology to increase public safety!

Police became the new authority figure. With increasing police responsibilities, the healthy balance between police and citizens declined. In some areas, citizens feared police and stopped reporting criminal activities.

For decades, taxpayers funded the "war on drugs" and the "war on poverty." Citizens grew increasingly dependent, as cities became crime ridden. We lost generations of youth to drugs, crime and gangs, as criminals with guns spread fear and destruction.

As society changed, self-image became the mission of the "me" generation. "Experts" fueled the sexual revolution with new values and role models. Divorce, domestic violence and infidelity became commonplace as children grew increasingly neglected and confused. They learned to fend for themselves. Angry young people discovered a false sense of power with gangs, guns, prostitution and other self-destructive behaviors.

Bully/victim behavior reflected home life. Many young people no longer valued themselves or others. Education was not a priority as thousands dropped out of school and created homelessness and blight.

Drug abuse and violence are signs of unmet needs and guns are power tools to feel important. The message is... Notice me! I need to belong, have guidance and support to feel good about myself!

Over the years, we ignored our spiritual roots. We accepted a new generation lacking emotional maturity and accepted anti-social behavior as police and government struggle to keep cities safe. Americans are paying a high price for neglected youth! Is it any wonder teens lacking emotional stability often turn to drugs and other addictions to escape?

Based on my experience as a crime and violence prevention specialist for 36 years, I see disconnected families and neighborhood isolation contributing to gun violence. City leaders, police and citizens must work together to reduce fear and stop criminal activity. Neighbors need to connect with each other and build trust. Connected neighbors become new role models for youth!

Today, with reduced budgets, politicians and police want citizens to work together. However, Americans do not hear a local or national mandate with recommended steps to help support families. Politicians and community leaders have the power and influence to create change!

We can save our kids, by focusing on faith, family and community to strengthen family support. Community leaders can help break the cycle of abuse, which threatens to bankrupt and destroy our American way of life. The annual cost of crime in the U.S. is $1.7 trillion a year. (Source: Univ. of Chicago - Journal of Law and Economics)

What city leaders can do?

Focus on community building for health and safety. Connected neighbors can restore the human touch so children feel safe and protected. Involved neighbors reduce fear and social isolation as they increase the check and balance on juvenile behavior before kids get out of control.

Appoint a planning committee of 8 to 10 volunteers, to focus on... strengthening families! The committee decides on an action plan and promotes a SAFE CITY campaign to get neighbors connected. Volunteers reach out into the community and promote community responsibility for neighborhood safety. (Based on city size, several groups can be formed.)

Ideas might include:

Encourage city employees such as police and firemen to be role models and host social gatherings to help build neighborhood trust.

Encourage leading city pastors to motivate other pastors to set the example of "Love thy Neighbor" to strengthen community bonds.

Invite civic and church groups to start projects to help neighbors' work together on community gardens, safety fairs, clean up, etc. In cities, 1 in 5 children have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Offer neighbors a safe place to share concerns to reduce frustration and stress.

Involve and train youth, with adult support, to go door to door to conduct surveys and assist Seniors with home maintenance.

Invite existing neighborhood leaders and police to discuss ideas, strategies and how to overcome stumbling blocks.

Train Community Coaches in areas with language barriers.

Reward and publicize neighborhood successes.

Create a list of resources and volunteer opportunities.

Publicize, Publicize, Publicize for success!

We can make cities safe and reduce gun violence if we get organized for community change. Children need safe neighborhoods to play and grow so they can become contributing members of society.

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